About Alex
'A Southern California native and UCSB honored alum, I began teaching yoga soon after my college soccer career ended. With a sports background, my teaching aesthetic is largely rooted in the belief that yoga can be both athletic and therapeutic when practiced with intelligent guidance. As a teacher, I maintain the importance of proper alignment, accuracy of movement, and improved muscular control to reform shape and increase capacity. As a yogi, I also understand that any form of practice should foster improved relationships off the mat-- nutritionally, athletically, socially, spiritually, etc..
I have worked privately with clients ranging from professional athletes (including olympians, dancers, gymnasts, and fighters) to the severely injured, chronically ill, and recovering post operatives. I have shared my skills internationally via retreats and masterclasses as well as locally with workshops and welness seminars for multi-national corporations. No matter the client or the setting, my faith in the rejenerative power of yoga remains steadfast.
I firmly believe that a conscious practice refined with clear instruction can allow bodies to evolve and heal at optimum speed and retain their capacity for movement forever. By adapting traditional techniques to modern needs and client goals, together, we will transform your yoga mat into a laboratory for limitless possibility.'
For bookings and masterclasses please contact Alex.