Fellow Yogis, Soul Seekers, Wanderlusters, and Traffic Sufferers,
It is with great excitement that I present to you Travel Well Yoga with Alex Roberts, a video practice bundle that I’ve designed specifically for you - the adventure enthusiast and the commuter warrior.
I wish you could set up your mat alongside mine daily, but I understand that your busy lives have you on the move. Work brings commutes and summer brings travel, but each minute on the go leaves one less moment to sweat, connect, and exhale. And while it doesn’t matter where you go, it does matter who you are when you get there- which is why I’ve created a way to help you enjoy the journey.
Travel Well Yoga is a comprehensive video bundle designed to alleviate the stresses and strains of travel through the therapeutic power of yoga. Included in the series are four classes designed to restore muscle and joint health, mental acuity, physical strength, and mood stability with step by step instructions designed for the experienced practitioner, the first time yogi, and anyone in between. Individually, these videos are designed as blueprints to establish a healthy foundation for each phase of transit. When combined, they create a full framework supporting your body on its truest journey- that of health.
So if you’re traveling, take me with you. And together we’ll keep you well.
Namast(ay well),